AJBA 5 Pin Right Hand Bulb Combination Lamp (RL.96.140SI) MP8943BR


AJBA 5 Pin Right Hand Bulb Combination Lamp as used on Maypole Trailers


MP8943BR AJBA 5 Pin Right Hand Bulb Combination Lamp as used on Maypole & Erde Trailers (RL.96.140SI) (WONT FIT RADEX 5 PIN CONNECTORS)


We are official parts stockists for: Knott- Avonride , Bradley – Dixon-Bate, Alko-Kober  ,Maypole and Aspock lighting systems.

We are UK official importers for Lider trailers and  sole Lancashire stockist for Erde Trailers we also stock Meredith and Eyre trailers.

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